Rain on Your Wedding Day - Pt 2 Photo Session

So you've dreamed of the perfect wedding photos from your day, and then you see the weather forecast has storms, hail, flash flooding...don't laugh, this is all stuff we have seen at weddings! But also don't worry, as with good planning - and a good photographer ;)  - you will still have amazing wedding photos! In fact, our two new sample albums are both from couples who had rain on their wedding days! 

One thing to consider is how bad the forecast really is. Quite a lot of the time we get lucky with weddings in Perth where we just get passing showers, and therefore we can try to time this with when we are travelling to the next location, or just get you and your bridal party to wait in the car for five minutes for a shower to pass, and then get back to our original plan. It's the days where there is solid non stop rain that could change original plans. 

Locations such as UWA are perfect as there is shelter no matter what the weather conditions. When there is just light rain, parks with large trees can also provide you with shelter for a little while, so you can get in to position using an umbrella, and holding up your dress to not get dirty on the way there very easily. 

We also make use of some of the fantastic new bars that are opening up in Perth, and if there isn't a matinee or rehearsal on we can book out His Majesty's Theatre. 

There are plenty of ideas, and if you are still in doubt check out some sneak peeks from wet weather weddings we have photographed - Renice and Robert had pretty consistent rain the whole afternoon but have a beautiful sky in their photos along the river, and the little spots in Perth we visited were perfect. Janelle and Chris were lucky that we had a little gap in the weather for photos at the church and Hyde Park. The whole time it was so dark, and there was thunder growling all around us. After the photos at Hyde Park the weather hit, and Stirling Highway was so flooded that you could only drive in the middle lane. Gabriel and Richelle, who feature at the top of this post, didn't change their plan at all with the weather as we had booked in UWA, and were also using Crown were their reception was. The more you embrace the weather, the more fun you can have. See the images below from Melanie and Craig's wedding, they would never have got such a different photo with that car if it hadn't been a torrential downpour at the time. 

So hopefully we have shed some light on what happens when the weather hits, and it's not as bad as you think! Check out the final post with some of our favourite wet weather locations...and these spots are also very popular in the middle of summer too, when people are trying to avoid the heat!