WA Photography Awards - WAEPPA

We are back to reality after the WA Epson Professional Photography Awards were held last week. As President of the WA AIPP Council, I've been busy with the organising of the event for the past few months, let alone trying to get some entries in too! 

It was a highly successful week, enough stage and public speaking time to last a while. Neck still a little sore from that President's gong worn on the awards night! Rebecca took a hiatus from state awards this year and focussed on her first year of being a judge of both prints and the Photographer of the Year categories. 

I had images entered in Wedding and Travel categories - with one silver distinction, two silvers and a bronze in wedding narrowly missed out on being finalist for WA Wedding Photographer of the Year. In Travel there were three silver awards, and you can view the images below. 

The awarded images are on display at Gallery Central on Aberdeen Street this week, and last week Rebecca's winning WA Professional Photographer of the Year folio was on display in a Retrospective Exhibition of the past 10 years of the award. 

Congratulations to Aaron Dowling, who took out the overall 2016 WA Professional Photographer of the Year. To see the full list of winners check out the AIPP website. 

Kirsten x